Intro to Solving IT Talent

Changing the perception of a brand that has been in the Chicago market for nearly 30 years is a difficult and anxiety inducing proposition. Solving IT’s recruiting business has been around for quite a while, and is generally respected by the clients and candidates we serve. Sometimes a change needs to be made though. Our business looks drastically different than it did 5 years ago. We now have a second line of business that doesn’t focus on recruiting and asking that business to continue to be defined by our success in the staffing industry doesn’t make much sense. They need room to breathe. Our recruiting business also looks quite a bit different. Our client base is more diverse and spread across more industries. We work with a wider array of candidates. Our internal structure and delivery model have changed as well, allowing us to bring a better service to our clients. The turnover numbers we see on Solving IT placements have been insanely low, allowing our clients to build better teams and accomplish bigger things. We needed to make a change, but still wanted to be Solving IT.

It’s my pleasure to introduce Solving IT Talent. Why Talent? First, there is an obvious association between that word and the recruiting industry. Second, there are a few different definitions of talent that fit us pretty well:

  1. A Talented Person- This describes the candidates we work with. Everyone we place is good at something. We don’t consider it our job to only put “butts in seats”. Our job is to make a positive impact on the business of our clients and the lives of our candidates. With that mindset informing our actions, it becomes easier to attract talented people regardless of skillset or career level.
  2. A Capacity for Achievement or Success- This is what we enable our clients to build. Our clients lean on us to bring people into their companies. Not just any people, but people that will allow them to get things done. The “bringing people” part is what comes to mind when most people think of recruiting. What they don’t think of is those people sticking around once they start a new job. Low employee attrition is absolutely crucial to consistently hitting business goals. I’ve already mentioned how low the turnover rate is on our placements. The emphasis we put on what happens after the placement makes this possible and is the real secret to helping our clients build more talented organizations.
  3. A Special Ability or Aptitude- This one is about our team. We have a group of people with some really special attributes. Everyday, the mindset is around things like: “How can I help this candidate bring their best skills to the forefront?” or “How can I find a person who is the best possible fit for this client?”. An entire team of people focused on those questions rather than themselves or office politics is powerful. I hope that the clients and candidates we work with can see that and recognize the advantages working with that type of team can bring them.

We’re excited to push Solving IT’s journey forward, and help define the next chapter of Solving IT’s evolution. We hope you’ll come along with us.

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